Blogs In the third half

  • July 15, 2018


  • 0 favorites

In the third half

In the 5th round, the Blue Jays began to counterattack. Grandson scored 358 feet in the right field and the Blue Jays equalized the score 3-3. The first half of the 7th round was Grandson's 342-foot left fielder's home run scoring, and the Blue Jays 4-3 lead. In the first half of the 8th round, the bullpen pitcher Harris, Grichak steadily hit 471 feet in the middle field, and Echela ran back home, eventually defeating the astronauts 6-3 away.

In the second half, the Philadelphia Phillies played a 411-foot home run in the left field. Ginger and Alfaro on the base ran back home and scored. The Philadelphians took a 3-0 lead in the Metropolis. In the third half, the Philadelphians captured the full base. Williams knocked out the left field and hit Hamos, and Horskins and Herrera scored. Santana went up to the third base and the Philadelphians started the 5-0 counter. In the third half of the game, the pitcher of Buy MLB18 Stubs the second half of the city, Gagnon, beat back to Rosario, and the metropolis pulled back a point 1-5.



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