Blogs Reading tips and advice is fine and dandy

  • July 10, 2018


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Reading tips and advice is fine and dandy

It's no easy thing to master, mind you. A good way to practice would be to punt the ball into a wall, and follow it a few seconds later, doing your best to intercept it the ball veers off into the air. Sure, it's difficult to master how to throttle the boost and when to time your jumps, especially since the ball will not behave the same way every time. But keep at it, because the sooner you incorporate walls into your aerial game, the more effective you will be on the field.

Reading tips and advice is fine and dandy, but putting them into practice is another matter entirely. Putting these tips into practice against other players can also be difficult, since you will most likely be focused on the match and will only be able to apply these techniques situationally. Fortunately for Keys Rocket League you, the Rocket League community is aware of the game's steep learning curve, and has made custom training packs to create highly specific drills for you to hone your skills.



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