Forums Dancehall Reggae FAP Winner Review - Does it Work?

Posted August 4, 2021 01:10 AM

If you want to attach the screenshots that you have taken you can Super Profit Scalper use the file attachments and the screenshots will be attached as files to the content and you can download them any time you want.Once you create a trading journal entry you click on the "Trading Journal" link on the left hand side to see your trading journal entries.On the trading journal page you can also see the options to sort your trades based on trade dates, currency pairs, trades short or long and trades lost or won.

Under the calender block you will see a calender which you can use to see the trades on different dates. Click on any date under calender block and you will see the trading journal entries if you entered anything for this date.Currency Pair Under the currency pairs block you will see all the currency pairs. If you click on any currency pair you will see any trading journal entries you entered for that pair.Trades Won or Lost: Under this block you will see two options - Trades won and Trades Lost. If you click on any of the options you will see all the trades you that you won or lost.

Short or Long Trades: Under this block you will see two options - Short Trades and Long Trades. If you click on any of the otpions you will see all the trades you bought or sold.So this offers a lot of options to you to maintain a very good trading journal to become a successful forex trader. You don't need to maintain your trading journal in excel or word files which take a lot of time to open or save them. You can also upload your trade screenshots or attach them as file attachments.

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